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Is Woodturning Dangerous? The Risks and How to Stay Safe

Woodturning is a popular woodworking craft that involves shaping wood on a lathe by rotating the material while applying cutting tools to create intricate designs and functional objects. As with any craft involving power tools and sharp objects, there is an inherent risk involved in woodturning. This article aims to provide readers with a comprehensive

Is Woodturning Dangerous? The Risks and How to Stay Safe Read More »

How To Sharpen Lathe Tools: A Beginners Guide

The importance of sharp lathe tools cannot be overstated in woodturning, as dull tools can lead to poor cuts, tear-out, and an overall frustrating experience. Sharp tools, on the other hand, provide cleaner cuts, smoother finishes, and allow for more precise control, resulting in better-quality turned objects. Unfortunately, many beginners have trouble sharpening lathe tools.

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